

Although many men are reluctant to visit their GP unless they feel something is seriously wrong, regular check-ups are the best way to stay on top of your health and wellbeing. The better-informed you are, the better you can plan your life, career and future. Don’t let anxiety or embarrassment hold you back from visiting your doctor or pharmacist; in the long run, ignoring symptoms and concerns does not pay off. If you feel something’s wrong, or even if you don’t, a medical professional can put your mind at ease and give you the clarity you need to enjoy your life to the full, and to ensure that any potential problems or conditions are detected early and treated.

These information leaflets will give you some idea of what to look out for at the various stages of life. Our bodies change over time, so it’s important to keep on top of these changes and their potential impact on your health and wellbeing. Keep in control of your mental and physical health and fitness, and remember – if in doubt, see a doctor!

YOUR 20s & 30s

Most men can expect to be fit and healthy in their twenties and thirties. As your social and professional horizons expand, you have the chance to build in healthy lifestyle habits that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life… [Read More]

YOUR 40s & 50s

As we reach our middle years, it becomes even more important to look after our health, to keep at bay some of the ailments and conditions that can arise at this stage of our lives. Fortunately, there are a number of simple steps we can take to make sure that we keep control of our health and significantly reduce these risks… [Read More]

YOUR 60s & 70s & beyond

Your 60s and 70s – the “golden years”, and a golden opportunity to take stock of your health and wellbeing and start living life at your own pace again… [Read More]